Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Message From Our Founding Fathers

An Open Letter to the American People

We the founders….

Warned you of the dangers of excessive taxation. Now you must labor nearly six months of the year to pay your taxes at all levels as the economy groans beneath the cruel burden.

Warned you of the dangers of foreign entanglements. Now thousands of your men and women suffer and die protecting and building foreign nations while your government plans a military draft.

Warned you of the danger of government spending. Now your growing National Debt stands at 9.3 trillion dollars and your children are debt slaves from the day they are born.

Warned you of the dangers of a central bank (Federal Reserve) and a debt based, flat monetary system. Now your government can borrow and spend endlessly while destroying the value of your savings.

Warned you to obey the constitution because power corrupts. Now a secretive government can spy on you and detain you at will under the guise of national security.

Warned you of the dangers of political parties. Now you have two powerful parties that conspire against the people, plundering you while they pretend to oppose each other.

Warned you to keep your nation sovereign and independent. Now you submit to UN and NAFTA authority, as your border is deliberately left open to endless illegal immigration.

Warned you of the importance of an honest, independent and unbiased press. Now your centralized “mainstream media” is full of propaganda, distortions‘, and omissions.

Warned you that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. While you were distracted the government stole your liberty and bankrupted your nation.

Warned you that a government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have. Now you are servants to a government to which you’ve traded self reliance and individual freedom, for entitlement programs and “free” handouts that steal your wages.

For these reasons we founders support the…

Ron Paul Revolution
Congressman Ron Paul

Has never voted to raise taxes - Will eliminate the Estate tax - Will end taxation of social security benefits.

Voted no to the war in Iraq and yes to hunting down the terrorists responsible for the 9/ 11 attacks. Foreign or domestic.

Is committed to a non interventionist foreign policy as mandated by our constitution.

The only republican candidate who will call for an immediate and orderly withdrawal of US troops from the no win war in Iraq.

Will phase out the federal income tax and irs by eliminating trillions of dollars spent on foreign aid nation building, and bloated federal bureaucracies.

Will phase out the privately owned federal reserve, thereby ending inflation tax that destroys the value of our money.

Will stop the Real ID card which will enable the government to track and collect data on individuals.

Will end the military commissions act which gives government the authority to arrest and detain citizens indefitely without due process of law. Will restore Habeas Corpus.

Will secure our borders, end birthrigh citizenship, and stop illegal immigration.

Will protect US sovereignty by halting plans now underway to merge the united states with Canada and mexico in a north American union where international laws would replace those of the untied states.

Will defend America’s constitutional form of government against globalist, the untied nations, and free trade agreements (CFR, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, WTO, ICC) which currently influence Us foreign policy, spending, and legislation.

Will keep the internet free and unregulated.

Will defend and restore the second amendment right to bear arms.

Has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

During the 10 terms that congressman Ron Paul has held office, he has never taken government paid junket, has never voted himself a pay raise, and does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.

Congressman Ron Paul never accepts money from lobbyists or special interest groups. His campaign is funded strictly by ordinary Americans like You! 1-877-Ron2008

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