Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My name is Tommy. Tommy Watts.

I’m 55 years old and like to think that I have a pretty thick hide. The world has made me that way.

But when I read the following excerpt I collapsed in emotional anguish. I broke down and cried.

While walking the street out side and smoking cigarettes I cursed God! I accused him of forsaking America. But I guess who could blame him!

Three hours later I am still shaking in the aftermath. There is a pain deep in my chest. I am trembling all over and my head is swimming in disbelief.

We used to be a proud, free nation. But now we are morally and financially bankrupt!

What has happened to this hell hole of a country? Where did it all go so unbelievably wrong?

Read the story…..

The most memorable personal tale Ron Paul tells is of watching in horror as a medical resident at the University of Pittsburgh in the mid-’60s, when a six-month-old aborted fetus was dumped “in a bucket in the corner of the room. The baby tried to breathe, and tried to cry, and everyone in the room pretended the baby wasn’t there.”

1 comment:

Space Eagle said...

Although that is heart wrenching and truly sad, it's truly a non-issue to restoring liberty in America. We have corporations demanding our very bodily fluids if we want to remain employed. It might be different if it were because someone was caught drunk or high on the job, but the corporations want to control what you do on your own time. Why should they get to decide what a person does and does not do on their own time? Why are corporations free to ignore peoples' rights down to their very bodily fluids? Why don't corporations have to follow the rules of the Constitution of the United States in which they operate?

Corporations may just decide that they want to take fetuses from unwed mothers so they can make collagen and makeup from them. Should they be allowed that violation of human rights as well? Look at the overall picture, and you might see how important the invasions of privacy really are and what is behind them.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,
